Welcome to the Blog

This is where I share my stories and experiences which led me to an unexpected healing journey where I rediscovered beauty and freedom in my life.

I hope that they also resonate with you.

The Ancient Wisdom of The Gingko Tree
Leigh-Lin Shao Leigh-Lin Shao

The Ancient Wisdom of The Gingko Tree

Gingko is a symbol of wisdom and longevity. Gingko trees are regarded as living fossils because they can live for thousands of years

The journey of a thousand miles commenced with a single step

~ Tao Te Ching

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Self Love and Acceptance
Leigh-Lin Shao Leigh-Lin Shao

Self Love and Acceptance

There is a kind of energy that radiates from within and influences your physical appearance and health, bringing in more youthfulness, even lightening up those around you.

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Grounding Meditation
Leigh-Lin Shao Leigh-Lin Shao

Grounding Meditation

As you begin to feel calmer, visualise yourself visiting the place where you seek safety and inner peace. This could be a physical place on a hill, underneath a tree, a spot near a stream, an ancient forest or a meadow. It could be a combination of many places or a place of imagination.

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Daily Energy Cleanse and Protection Practice
Leigh-Lin Shao Leigh-Lin Shao

Daily Energy Cleanse and Protection Practice

Everyone gets drained by negative energy from various sources.

If you are highly sensitive, you pick up on the energy immediately. Our energy field expands a few metres out from our physical body in all directions, however, it’s the range of a metre and half that affects us the most. This is within our Auric Field.

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The year of the Wood Dragon
Leigh-Lin Shao Leigh-Lin Shao

The year of the Wood Dragon

A rare combination of power of the dragon and the creativity of wood. Led by dragon, the most prestigious and sacred mythical animal in the Far East. We move into a new begining with rapid flowing energy, hope, growth, expansion and aspiration and the ability to make decisions.

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The Healing Journey of A Broken Heart
Leigh-Lin Shao Leigh-Lin Shao

The Healing Journey of A Broken Heart

Tyke the African matron elephant was a circus elephant in Hawaii in the 1980s and 90s. When I first came across her tragic story I was obsessed with the passion to help and raise awareness for her and other endangered species, especially large endangered species.

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Navigating Home to My heart
Leigh-Lin Shao Leigh-Lin Shao

Navigating Home to My heart

Despite growing up in what seemed like a good family, I faced addiction, abandonment, abduction, abuse, sexual harassment, self-harm, racial discrimination, being stalked, psychological manipulation and control. I was also deeply affected by a number of relocations to different continents.

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The Silent Princess
Leigh-Lin Shao Leigh-Lin Shao

The Silent Princess

You feel the tremors of the thunder before you hear it.

We are all immersed in it. There is no way out.

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