Grounding Meditation

You may like to light a candle or put on some soothing music

There are three parts to this meditation:
Breath work, the Journey and the Release

This meditation can be used as a long piece or part meditation. Please keep breathing through your mouth throughout to deepen the meditation.

You may like to light a candle or put on some soothing music. 

Breath work

Find a place to sit comfortably; on a chair with your feet touching the ground or, if you feel more comfortable, you can cross your legs and sit on the floor.

Close your eyes and take a few slow breaths. Then breathe in and out through your mouth.

Slowly begin the deeper inhalation and exhalation exercises:

Inhale on the count of three, hold your breath for four and exhale slowly on the count of five. Repeat several times.

As you begin to feel calmer, visualise yourself visiting the place where you seek safety and inner peace. This could be a physical place on a hill, underneath a tree, a spot near a stream, an ancient forest or a meadow. It could be a combination of many places or a place of imagination.

The Journey

Let’s begin your journey

Begin your journey by wandering into a meadow where the grass is tall and wildflowers are colourful...Take a moment to see these brilliant shades of colours. How many different greens can you see? Take notice of how they make you feel and where you respond in your body.

Can you see and hear the bees, butterflies and dragonflies amongst the flowers, busy pollinating and collecting nectar? Can you hear every little buzz they make? Let’s stay here for a few moments and enjoy the sounds of nature’s symphony.

Slowly, you begin to walk up the hill in the direction of a large birch tree. Notice the time of day and what the season is. Can you see sunlight shimmering through the branches and the reflection of the light on the green/yellowing leaves? Can you feel the crisp sharpness or warmth in the air?

You feel lighter as you are walking towards the tree. 

When you reach the top of the hill you stand in front of the birch tree. Now place your left hand on your Heart Centre and the right hand on the tree trunk, close your eyes.

Can you feel the connection between you and the tree? Hold that for a few moments. Listen to the whispers of the tree, to its branches and leaves. What are they saying? They can communicate high up to the sky and the stars, and low down to its extensive root system and Mother Earth. 

Sit down under the tree and with your back fully supported, rest against the strong trunk. Begin to relax your shoulders, releasing the heavy responsibilities weighing on your shoulders. Dissolve away the feelings of lack of support. Notice any feelings or sensations in your body. Stay here for a moment...

When you begin to feel safe and allow your mind to drift away, feel the warmth of the sunshine through the branches…hear the birds singing in the trees. Your hearing becomes more refined and you hear the water flowing from the stream down the hill and you are attuned to the frequencies of the sounds of the bees, butterflies and dragonflies from a distance away.

Slowly, take your awareness back to your body. Do you notice any physical changes? And what are they? How does it feel - is it a memory, a feeling, a colour or has a person popped into your mind? Whatever your feelings are, observe them. Let your mind drift with the sounds of nature, the bubbly stream, the rustling of the leaves, the buzzing of the insects and being engaged in the present, now.

The Release

Now bring any feelings of discomfort in your body or worrying thoughts, any concerns or even fear from the top of the head, the Crown Chakra, down to the eyebrows - The Third Eye Chakra - then to the throat and pause at the Heart Centre for a few moments. Then take these feelings down to the top of the abdominal area where the Solar Plexus Chakra is, to the navel and to the pelvic floor, the Root Chakra. From the pelvic floor, split them down to the thighs, knees, calves, shins and ankles and bring them to rest on top of your feet.

Imagine a root growing out from the bottom of your feet, anchoring deep, deep down into Mother Earth… now grow the lateral roots out from the main root into the vast ground underneath you, fully anchoring you down.

Let’s release the toxins into the root system you have just created, feeling the release when they leave your body. The more you release the lighter you feel.

Mother Earth absorbs all the toxic energies from you and replaces them with her energy of Unconditional Love. Can you feel the exchange of the energies between you?

Allow yourself to feel the Unconditional Love energy from Mother Earth as you take it back up into your body, from the bottom of your feet to the top of your feet, to the ankles, calves and shins, knees, and thighs, into the hips and navel area, to the belly button, and top of the abdominal area, into the Heart Centre.  Pause for a moment.

Place your left hand on your Heart Centre, and the right on top of your left. Pause for a moment to feel the nourishing energy and feed it to every single cell in your body.

Always remember to nourish yourself first.

With this new loving energy system you have created within yourself, take the feeling of this deep gratitude (if you feel it) and self-compassion. Can you think of someone, a situation or something that could benefit from this healing? With this intention, take the healing from your Heart Centre up to your Throat Chakra, then the Third Eye and then place it on top of the Crown Chakra and release it out to the Universe.

Slowly, bring your awareness back into your physical body.

Place your hands together and rub both palms vigorously and place the palms on your eyes for a few moments, then place your hands on your Heart Centre, slowly blink your eyes open. 

Namaste 🙏

To enhance your meditation practice, a daily routine of energy cleansing and protection practice will inject more calmness into your life.

~ Leigh-Lin Shao


Self Love and Acceptance


Daily Energy Cleanse and Protection Practice