Metamorphosis Journey

You have travelled deep
It's time to consolidate your healing journey

Metamorphosis Journey is a one-to-one, intensive healing programme designed for those who want to embrace wholeheartedly self-love and complete acceptance.

Metamorphosis Journey

For women who dare to go deep, break free from past addictions and thought patterns, and align to their purposeful and authentic life. A six month journey offered one to one online.

The destructive thoughts

  • Do you generously offer your heart out to support others and feel unappreciated?

  • Do you often yourself apologise for being who you are?

  • Are you feeling unsure of yourself at times, even ashamed, or think you need to put in extra effort to recognise your own worth and be seen? 

  • Do you feel inadequate, abandoned, or the belief that you don't deserve love or to be loved?

My own Metamorphosis Journey

Through the process of learning to love myself; I began to cherish my flaws, imperfections, and embody them as my uniqueness. Every day I heal, grow and expand. A process of learning, uncovering and ultimately surrendering. Of connection and restoration of my nervous and belief systems, I re-birth my pain into wisdom as an infinite source of love.

I am here to guide your journey of reclaiming and remembering who you are and why you are here. 

I invite you to walk the Metamorphosis Journey with me.

This 6 month programme is a fast track to true healing and transformation. Together we identify one goal at the start; and during your programme we work with all aspects that show up within that umbrella.

For example: If your goal is to restore your gut health, you will feel a notable reduction of the physical symptoms you exhibited at the beginning of the Programme. Or if you wish to clear your resistance that is weighing you down, preventing you from getting that job, change lifestyle, re-start or a new beginning, you will gain clarity during your Metamorphosis Journey. 

How it works

To apply for this programme please book a Discovery Call.

  • This is for women with a strong desire for noticeable progress towards one established goal.

  • A total of 10 Sessions. Includes First consultation up to 90 minutes, and 9 follow-ups at 75 minutes. We meet every 2/3 weeks at a pre-arranged time.

  • The package is £960.
    Three payment instalments can be arranged, please email me to enquire.


It’s possible to experience freedom and joy in daily life

I have healed many deep wounds and ancestral patterning; and continue on my journey to wellbeing and health.I am here to support you through your own journey of transformation.