Praise from Clients

Having decades of chronic fatigue syndrome, I felt that I had caught up on years of deep refreshing sleep. I was also able to lie flat which my asthma has prevented me from doing

“Having decades of chronic fatigue syndrome, at the end of Divine Healing, I felt that I had caught up on years of deep refreshing sleep, and was energised. I was also able to lie flat which my asthma has prevented me from doing. This its going to help my back so much.

The joy and depth of excitement from the releases that I experienced this morning left me wanting to run naked into the sea and swim. I was blown away!

Thank you Leigh-Lin”

- Charlotte, UK

I felt as if I had just been born

“Your work is incredible: I felt as if I had just bern born, my energy has returned so strongly, and this serenity continues, everything’s fills me with joy.

With this new energy, I want to start lots of activities again.

I feel greater cohesion in my energies, and as if these energies now form a sort of shield around me. And also greater inner clarity, incredible serenity, a joy that I had not felt for a long time, and immense gratitude.

I am no longer at all attracted to meat (chicken and turkey only) nor fish. I haven't eaten it at all since our last session, and don't even feel the urge anymore. And I'm really happy to no longer impact the animal world”

-Tatiana, France

I was in the most fragile state when I first came to you

“Thank you so much for our session today (and all our sessions leading up to today).

I want to thank you for taking the time to talk with me in all our sessions, I truly value all of your wisdom, words and advice. I have learned so much from you and I want to express my utmost gratitude for YOU!!

Today was especially powerful in the wisdom that I got. I was ready to receive all of it! I am so happy to have meet you and to be mentored by you! I am thankful for you, your gifts, and you showing up in the world to help!!!

I was in the most fragile state when I first came to you and I thank you for helping in being a guiding light and doing the work so beautifully.

Strong and steady! Many thank you's!”

- Ashley, USA

She has helped me uncover knowledge, strength, and comfort that I never knew existed within me

I have been blessed and enormously grateful to receive healing sessions from the Le-li for over a year now, and I can confidently say that she is a true gem. From the moment I met Le-li, her kindness and warmth enveloped me in a sense of comfort and safety.

Le-li's gift as an incredible healer is unparalleled. Her sessions go beyond the physical realm, delving deep into the spiritual and emotional aspects of healing. Through her gentle touch and intuitive guidance, she has helped me uncover knowledge, strength, and comfort that I never knew existed within me.

Each session with Le-li is a transformative experience. Her energy and presence are so calming and reassuring, making it easy for me to open up and receive the healing I need. I always leave her sessions feeling lighter, more centered, and with a renewed sense of purpose.

If you are seeking a healer who is not only incredibly skilled but also deeply compassionate and understanding, Le-li is the one for you. I am eternally grateful for the positive impact she has had on my life and highly recommend her to anyone in need of healing, guidance, and support.

Thank you, Le-li, for sharing your remarkable gift with the world and for being a beacon of light in my life.

With love and light.

-Erica, France

I have been on my healing journey for years now. I have complex PTSD

“I have been on my healing journey for years now. I have complex PTSD, and I was looking for energy work to support my healing process.

Leigh-Lin accurately sensed my emotional and physical imbalances in each session and sent healing to needed areas.

I noticed the effects of the sessions in the following days (feeling overall lighter, and more emotionally balanced, noticing that muscle tension was reduced). :)

I am looking forward to continuing my sessions to support my healing process."

-Nensi, Germany

A deep session exploring ancestral lineages assisting me with clearing and balancing my kidney meridian

“I had another wonderful deep session with Leigh-Lin exploring ancestral lineages, assisting me with clearing and balancing my kidney meridian.

I found Leigh-Lin’s session to be incredibly powerful. Today working with crystals, acupressure points and supplements, all effecting big shift for me as I continue to heal and restore my body, mind and emotions.

What a gifted therapist. I highly recommend her unique approach”

-Sarah, UK

I am finally getting relief post chemotherapy

“I’ve been having treatments with Leigh-Lin for a few months now. After struggling with several post chemotherapy problems for several years, including fatigue and pain. I am finally able to move on to a healthier happier place.

I would highly recommend Leigh-Lin at Serenity Approach”

-Tamsyn, UK

Every time I feel like something else has lifted from me and I grow stronger

“From the first moment I started talking to Leigh-Lin, I just knew she was the one who was going to help me on my journey of learning who I really am.

I had been unhappy, lost, feeling empty, hopeless and worthless for so many years and not knowing why.

I felt like I must deserve to be feeling like this. I had tried so many different ways to ‘change me’ but to no avail.

Leigh-Lin, however, has worked her unique magic in our sessions, and every time I feel like something else has lifted from me and I grow stronger, more positive and a new brighter outlook forwards, living for the now and to ‘Let it be’.

Highly recommended.”

- Anna, UK

I've experienced energy that l've never felt before

“I don’t know what you helped me release within me but I have felt energy that l've never felt before.

It's been absolutely incredible.

And I also think I found my spirit animal. This is my new horse”

-Mandi, USA

Arthritis made my hands weak and painful, unable to do the easiest of tasks and I started to have trouble walking. I had almost given up on getting the help I needed.

“Due to arthritis making my hands weak and painful, I was unable to do the easiest of tasks and I started to have trouble walking. I had almost given up on getting the help I needed. I then found Leigh-Lin.

After each online session with Leigh-Lin I feel better and lighter, the pain less and my walking is getting better.

Thank you, Leigh-Lin, for sharing your remarkable gift with me and I am grateful for the positive impact she has had on my life and would recommend her to anyone in need of healing and guidance.”

-Carol, U.K.

She released much tension and stagnation in my life

“Leigh-Lin has very strong healing abilities. I am impressed with the result of her session.

I felt her healing energy during the session through physical sensations.

I feel much more fire energy within me to keep going.”

-Indra, Malta

I am finally free of nagging pain in my body

“I have been amazed at Leigh-Lin’s ability to find out what my body needs healing and releasing. I’m able to say I’m just feeling unwell and after the releases I feel better than ever before.

It has also been amazing to able to tell Leigh-Lin specific area where I’ve had pain and discomfort for years and to be healed. I had tried acupuncture and massage nevertheless, the pain continued. But Leigh-Lin removed the trapped emotions and I felt a massive release.

I feel like a new person. Through her expertise on finding trapped emotions and releasing deep seated issues I have had incredible transformation both physically and mentally.

-Shirley, UK

I am able to tackle everyday problems in a more relaxed way, sorting out in my own mind and coming up with a solution

“My first meeting with Leigh-Lin was very convivial. I was instantly relaxed talking to her as she was so calm and engaging.

She has so much friendliness and her explanations are very enlightening. I feel much calmer after a few sessions and feel as though I am able to tackle every day problems in a more relaxed way. Helping me sorting things out in my own mind and coming up with a solution.

I would recommend Leigh-Lin.”

-Helen, UK

She likes to get to the heart of an issue

“I have had both online and face to face sessions with Leigh-Lin. Every time, I have experienced her as very intuitive, caring and knowledgeable.

She likes to get to the heart of an issue and shows great interest in working with the person at their pace.

Leigh-Lin always follows through and checks in after a session to ensure she has prepared for the next session. Her treatments are professional, caring, deeply thought through and her humour eases some of the harder aspects of self growth. I highly recommend Leigh-Lin to support you to move through and let go!”

-Meriel, UK

I felt like I was in safe hands

“Leigh-Lin and I had a number of sessions together, I found her to be sincere, caring, thoughtful, skilled and professional. She really listened and paid good attention to what I said, she was very intuitive - and also very generous with her time and sharing of her knowledge and skills.

She told me other things that I could do to help myself, beyond kinesiology.

Leigh-Lin has many different trainings and skills and I felt like I was in safe hands. Much appreciation and gratitude for all the work we did together.”

-Zelly, UK

I immediately noticed differences in my energy field, tonight I was able to assert myself for the first time to a friend and stand by myself

“I had a moderate cat allergy and Leigh-Lin immediately sensed it was caused by emotional irritation.

She solved everything and I actually felt an enormous difference straight way. My allergies are a lot lighter, so my nose and eyes are no longer watery immediately. I was able to sometimes omit the allergy tablets. Now I can even cuddle with my cat without having a sneezing fit.

I noticed my heart felt lighter afterwards and a different feeling in my body.”

-Jara, Germany

I have been able to release deep rooted emotions

“I am finally free of nagging pain in my body, in which I had spent a lot of money trying different modalities including acupuncture and massage.

My mind is calmer and I have been able to release deep rooted emotions moving from a fear based existence to alive and light.

Family and friends have noticed a huge difference. I am forever grateful to Leigh-Lin. She is a truly gifted healer”.

-Shirley, UK

I had been to my physio and he was pleased with my progress, asked if I had another session with you

“I have been to my physio appointment and he was pleased with the difference in me. I told him it was down to the healing session I had with you.

I had another session with the physio and he was pleased with my progress and asked if I had any more sessions with you, I told him that I had”

-Maggie, UK

I always experience a positive shift in my energy after her sessions

"Leigh-Lin is not just a great healer, but also a kind and compassionate person. She has healing skills that’s very unique, and I always experience a positive shift in my energy after her sessions. She really puts in all the time and effort needed, to bring us the best results. Which I think is amazing.

She's a wonderful healer to work with for anyone on their healing journey.”

-Angel, Sweden

A Powerful Energy Healer

“Leigh-Lin is such a powerful energy worker. She does above and beyond for her clients.

Thank you Leigh-Lin for all your hard work and dedication in helping me. I highly appreciated it.

I Would definitely recommend her to those in need of healing.

She is so professional and kind.”

-Fatima, USA

A powerful catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. I feel supported in my evolution journey as it is ever unfolding

“I whole heartedly recommend Leigh-Lin’s Metamorphosis Journey to anyone seeking a transformational journey.

It has been a truly remarkable Metamorphosis that has helped my energy to relate what was calling my attention and my physical body to become more calm and my mind to have more ease.

Leigh-Lin helped me to learn to ask my body with compassion what’s going on. What is it wanting to tell me? What is ready to be heard and released?

I am always in awe with what comes through and I love how I feel after each session.

I am grateful that Leigh-Lin uses her beautiful gift in this way.”

-Ashley, USA

She has helped me to build my self-confidence and face up to my fears

“During the past year, Leigh-Lin has helped me to build my self-confidence and face up to my fears. I’m so grateful to her for bring me out of my shell.

-Charllote, UK

I value myself more than ever I thought I could. I know as my internal world changes, my whole life will also change in the most beautiful and unexpected way

“I already had a spark of my own healing journey but through your sessions, I feel this sense more rooted in my being.

I have felt more energy released on my own since our Journey began. I’ve felt myself being able to embrace my emotions more fully as they come which definitely added to a tremendous sense of personal growth.

I’ve felt myself be more present in my body, I am more confident. The more I feel my emotions, the more I inhabit my own body and as my own clairsentience becomes more heightened I feel more purpose to simply exist.

I especially recommend Metamorphosis Journey to those deep into their healing path because I never realized how enlightening it is to see my world open up so quickly which propels me only to go further.”

-Tania, USA