from the Ashes

Surrendered to the Divine

The journey of honouring my lineage whilst being true myself

A woman, artist and healer from a lineage of strong women. Women with power and women who lived in suppression. Women in high education and women who were illiterate.

I'm a daughter of China and Taiwan, with roots in South Africa. I live in rural England. Autism runs in my bloodstream. I was born a Fire Dragon and my birth name means Serene. Welcome to my micro universe of paradox, contradictions and polarities. 

I lived in a paradox. On one hand, women were treated equally with opportunities and choices in education and careers. On the other hand, traditional belief systems dictated women's roles without granting them any choices.

Despite growing up in what seemed like a good family, I faced addiction, abandonment, abduction, sexual harassment, abuse, self-harm, racial discrimination, stalking and psychological manipulation and control.

Following some terrifying experiences during my teenage years in South Africa; I cut the cord to my spiritual connections, leading to emotional detachment and disconnection.

A troubled young woman, I recognised I needed help. I delved into well-known healing methods which supported my journey. My physical health was still riddled with chronic pains, troubled menstruation, digestive and eating disorders and sleep imbalances. Mentally, I felt low self-worth, self-loath, lack of confidence, scared and angry of others- especially women. Emotionally, I was angry and pleasing others whilst hating it, felt overwhelmed and all over the place.

Two decades later, in rural England, I spent months in nature, nurturing and nourishing myself with delicious homemade food, prepared with love and began to feel the changes. The deeper I went the more I had to surrender.

My Metamorphosis Journey

It began on that cold wintry night when I dropped on my humble knees and surrendered to the Divine, her ancient wisdom. I gave myself to the Divine. I knelt down and, surrounded by her ancient, loving wisdom, I began to heal my wounds.

All these can be healed

Through learning and understanding how my past affected me, I gave myself permission and allowed my love and compassion to flood me.

I healed my wounds and I was re-birthed in the ashes of the rising phoenix that was set alight, the soul twin sister to me, a fire-dragon. I retrieved all my fragments and weaved into my tapestry, and returned all parts as a whole to home, to my heart. 

Through the process of learning to love myself; I began to cherish my flaws, imperfections, and embody them as my uniqueness.

Every day I heal, grow and expand. A process of learning, uncovering and ultimately surrendering. Of connection and restoration of my nervous and belief systems, I re-birth my pain into wisdom as an infinite source of love.

I am here to guide your journey of reclaiming and remembering who you are and why you are here. 

My treasured heritage

Relevant Trainings
and Qualifications

Divine Healing

Kinesiology Cert. TASK

Kinesiology Cert. KA

Accessing the Power of Eight Extraordinary Channels levels 1-4

Reiki levels 1-3

Reiki Teacher Training

Raise Your Vibrations levels 1-7

18 Chakras practitioner and teacher

Munay Ki Rites and facilitator

CBT (25 years plus experience) 

My companions