
Love, compassion and kindness are the anchors of life

Being in love with every aspect of yourself
Not settling for less than you deserve and are worthy of

Empowering Programme is a series of small and intimate online women’s circle, a monthly gathering around the New Moon. I help to navigate and guide women towards loving themselves authentically, reclaiming their spirit, honouring their Sacred Feminine and embracing their vulnerabilities with love and joy.

Water Lily blossom

A Step Towards Feeling Free

Through healing we release ourselves from our past wounds, yet life is unpredictable, we can find ourselves reverting back to some old negative habits at turbulent times. When we are able to notice the changes to our physical, emotional and spiritual connection and end it before the spiral begins, that is where our power lies.


Dates and Times

Empowering has been moved forward again to January 2025

Due to personal reasons I am relocating again

I apologies for the inconvenience caused, please contact to enquire

Options of 9am, 2:30pm or 8pm London GMT Time

Duration: 2 hours
Price: £132

Sign up and Payment

Two payment instalment can be arranged,
please email to enquire


  • Self-love without feeling guilty.

  • Connection of physical, emotional and spiritual aspects (and three brains: brain, heart and gut).

  • See your limiting beliefs, destructive patterns (your thought patterns, words you use and the way you live.

  • Become aware of the influences that have affected you.

Empowering - Deep

Coming up soon.

Prerequisite: Empowering
