Divine Healing

Divine Healing

A multidimensional deep healing system from the Source that accesses your soul records to clear your emotional separation programmes

Multidimensional Deep Clearing

Divine Healing clears and releases deep underpinning layers of deep emotions and wounds, inherited patterns from generational lineages and resolves past life issues; it releases life stresses, negative beliefs and judgements; it clears fears and phobias, your hidden ego agendas, sabotages and conflict systems multidimensionally.

Divine Healing clears interfering energies (eg entities, earthbound souls and energy parasites etc) and clears toxins and their effects that being held in your body and system.

Multidimensional Deep Healing

Divine Healing removes the blocks, harmonises and aligns your chakras and auric fields; corrects levels of hydration, nutrition and biochemistry to anchor your system. Divine Healing slices through the layers and rewires you so that you recognise your core issues at subconscious level; inspires positive new emotions and beliefs which when put, reminds and reawakens your soul, encodes healing essences into your body and prepares you to receive angelic assistance and direct towards your connection to Higher Consciousness.

Align yourself to your Higher Self.

 How it works

  • 2 hours per session

    1 Session (£149)
    3 Sessions (£426)
    5 Sessions (£680)
    10 Sessions (£1250)

    A questionnaire needs to be filled in and returned 48 hours prior to the booked session


It’s possible to experience freedom and joy in daily life

I have healed many deep wounds and ancestral patterning; and continue on my journey to wellbeing and health.

I am here to support you through your own journey of transformation.