to One

One to One Dive

For women who dare to dream, wishing to break free from the past, and align to their purposeful and authentic life. Offered in person and online.

Clarity and Lightness

A single session for those seeking to restore balance at all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. A recommendation of 3 sessions.

These Sessions can support you to:

  • Honour your sacred feminine, whilst bathing yourself with love

  • Believe in who you are whilst working with your gifts.

  • Become aware of your patterns and how they affect you

  • Reclaim your personal power and emotional freedom

Clarity and lightness

Your Session

Your 1st session includes filling a health questionnaire in advance. For in-person sessions you will lie on my therapy bed fully dressed. I use various methods including gentle muscle testing to access information from your body, which allows me to decode further into the root cause of imbalance. I use various kits which may be placed on your body or on your palm. Online Sessions follow the same methodology adapted to the the online space. At the end of the session, there may be a message and/or recommended supplements and vibrational essences to take. 

First Session up to 90 minutes: £105
Follow-ups are 75 minutes: £90


Restore imbalances and return to wholeness

A combination of Energy work, Kinesiology, Meridians, Auras and 18 Chakras, Emotional Mentoring with an extra dose of beautiful humour.

It’s possible to experience freedom and joy in daily life

I have healed many deep wounds and ancestral patterning; and continue on my journey to wellbeing and health.

I am here to support you through your own journey of transformation.